Avondale has minimum security criteria of A.M. Best "A", with full underwriting authority on behalf of a number of U.S. domestic, Bermudian, European and Lloyd's of London capacity providers. Capacity can be issued on a 100% basis, or as a policy co-subscribing multiple capacity providers. For volatile catastrophe risks, Avondale looks to spread its exposure across a number of the most financially robust insurers in the business. By way of example, a typical CAT-exposed Avondale policy is underpinned by insurers representing capital and surplus in excess of $100 billion dollars.

Since the company's foundation, we have been able to expand our capacity and policy range every year. We are committed to providing steadily increasing capacity to our clients across market cycles.

What is the financial rating of Avondale's capacity?

AIA core capacity is provided by three global company markets working alongside a cross section of major companies within the Lloyd's of London Insurance Market. See below for financial ratings detail.

At Avondale, we are committed to bringing unparalleled financial strength to the table for our valued wholesale partners. We believe carefully syndicated, best-in-class financial security provides both the ability and willingness to pay large fire losses and/or major catastrophic events. For medium to long tail General Liability, we recognize the importance of working with only the strongest and most experienced capacity providers available. As the market increasingly differentiates between the financial strength on offer, we believe that Avondale provides our clients with a world-class capacity offering to take to their retailers.- Ethan Gow
EVP Property

Financial Strength/Ratings

  Lloyd's Domestic Company European Company International Company
A.M. Best A (Excellent) A (Stable) A+ (Stable) A+ (Stable)
S&P A+ (Strong) A+ (Positive) AA- (Stable) AA- (Stable)
Fitch AA- A+ (Stable) NR AA- (Very Strong)
Moody's NR A2 (Stable) NR Aa3 (Stable)*
Group/Markets Total Assets ($bn) 126.9 58.4 66.9 188.8
Net Assets or Members Balances or Shareholders Equity ($bn) 34.6 13.0 11.8 29.0

* Holding Company rating as the subsidiary not specifically rated by Moody's.
Figures as @ 1/1/2017 and based upon publicly available data.
Currency-conversion rates used as 1/1/2017.

Note: Avondale is not authorized to publish the names of its carriers on the website. Specific company details are available to appointed producers upon request.